
~ Let's All Play, M'kay? ~


Anonymous said...

The Mighty Columbia...Twin Peaks...The Confluence of The Wenatchee River and The Columbia. I am blessed. Film @ 11...Oh! And here, in The Banana Belt of The Great Northwest, about 9" of Fluffy White Stuff! Sheeesh!

Lu' said...

Gal sounds like she has a view to swoon for. I like to hear you. Clean the camera lens please. I will play along ala vid another day.

Anonymous said...

Can't play. Someone has my camera. But the view from the Shack is something to behold. Mine would pale in comparison. Let's see, I think all you would see is the air conditioning unit.......Ah, what you give up to be a city mouse!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

Lu: lens is clean, but future game-players may want to remove the SCREEN from the window first!

Lu' said...

Noted, surely mine would look oh so..

Lu' said...

By the way I dig the part where you say "I expect everyone to play" Why does the inflection you use sound so familiar to me? What movie am I thinking of? No really do you know cause I don't.

Anonymous said...

A frozen Lilac Bush, A Frozen Bamboo Tree, 4 and Twenty Blackbirds sitting in a Tree.
Frosty and Friends The Fun never ends!!
11 inches of Snow with Five more to Snow!!
I like your kitchen window betta man especially the Palm Tree.

Ken said...

A front yard.

Dice Mardell said...

one little, two little, three little neighbor trailers.
one little, two little, three little palm trees, a magnolia and a pine.
a porch, a bird feeder, the confluence of Spindrift Ave. and Dr., a small park, and a
sewer drain!
I suppose I could experiment with my camera's movie-making capabilities, but alas, it is too dark now.

Christo Gonzales said...

buildings of a non descript nature....