
Free Hotdog for Di onnacounta she coined the phrase "The Blogfather Gazette" and then allowed me to steal it!!


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Dang it all...I wannna hot dog

Dice Mardell said...

your day will come Vinny.
I feel it.
you are sooo hot dogworthy.

...thank you, Blogfather **bows, kisses ring**

er, your welcome?

Ken said...

Poor Vinny, can't even win a hot dog. Maybe if someone was giving away meatballs instead, I bet he could win.

Gal 'Lis-na said...

With all that control, I'm thinkin Phrank is really The Dogfather...posting dogfodder.

Schmoop said... dogs. Cheers P-Man!!

fritzi said...

very coooool:]