
~ Him Did It!! ~

...You have a kid.

It's a son.

You raise him up.

He gets through school.

He gets a driver's license.

He finds work.

He moves out of the house.

He works at something long enough, and likes it well enough, to choose it as a career.

He moves to another state.

He is successful at his career.

He saves his money.

He does what he has to do and then one day, he buys himself a house.

That's right: there comes that magic time when he takes a key and opens the door to his own house on his own property.

It is a milestone.

He has achieved this milestone on his own, at age 28.

As a father, I am filled with joy and no small amount of pride.


Congratulations, Nick!!

(actual key in actual door. Pic relayed via cell phone to me from the top of some burning mountain in Idaho)


Curious Chris said...

Thumbs Up Nick!

Aunt Di said...

in my next life (maybe). Ha!
I can dream can't I?

BRAVO Nick. I am sooo happy for you.

neux said...


Ken said...

You got a piece of the American Dream Nick. Congtatulations.

Lu' said...

Good job Nick. Got mine @ 36.
When I retire I'll drive out to see it :)

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

When I was his age I was 32.

Ken said...

33 I was. Left the bank behind at 50.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Wonderful news dad

fritzi said...

i know the feeling...mine's on his 4th:]