...three point one inches of rigid foam insulation (R-19)over the vaulted area only. This is because in the vaulted area the roof serves as the ceiling as well as the roof. The rest of the house has a flat sheetrock ceiling, then attic space above that, then roof. It would do no good to insulate the roof in this area, as any heat generated in these rooms will penetrate the sheetrock, and heat only the attic space. The insulation needs to be in the ceiling in this area, to keep the heat in the rooms.
Ya follah?
Nice. Is that some new fangled roofing system?
Why no insulation on the back side?
You need to explain better what the hell is going on here.
What Mic said!
To The Consused: See Updated Blog.
That second picture confuses the crap out of me. Is the white stuff roofing? What the hell kind of transition is that? ?? ?? ??
I guess you had to be there. ha Ha HA!!!
suffice to say, (for the non-curious out here)
"nice to see you're all
roofed-up, my brotha!"
I follah you anywhere...and I will bring meatloaf!
mmmmm I like meatloaf :)
...@ our house we call it meatcake.
I bought a ready-made one at the grocery store and it was killer.
They say there's a place in this world for all God's creatures...
...I say yeah, right next to my mashed potatoes. Ha!
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