This is what I'm talking about.
This is why I am alive on this planet.
This is How. It's. Done.
This puts the wind in my moo-moo.
This is better than sex.
This MIGHT be better than wReggie's basket-spun wings.
This is why God made Man.
This is rilly, rilly bitchin'.
Can you see it from up on your roof?
This is rilly, rilly bitchin'.
Hell...iffin he's on his roof, he ain't above the levy yet.
Build a tower!!
A tower with a telescope, nd an easy chair and a mini fridge.
Iffin? You-uns talk phunny down yonder, us-uns hereabouts don't say iffin. Folks just down yander in Orgone talk different to, but even them-uns don't say iffin. I got kin in Texas, they say ye-all lots, but them-uns don't say iffin neither. Them folks down in Sackremente, now them-uns talk rilly phunny.
Phrankie, you-uns got yourselfs a right pretty orange bridge. Is that in Sackremente???
a windmill might be nice...then you could twirl as you watched:]
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