
Why is it that...

...all that glitters is not gold? left shoe is easier to tie than my right?

...every SINGLE time I plug something into an outlet it is oriented incorectly with regards to the wide prong and the skinny one. Every SINGLE time? dog wants out immediately after being let in, then wants to be let out?

...cows have square butts?

...Paul McCartney never visits me? and black go so well together?

...the older I get the younger I feel?

...politicians make more money than nurses?

...Alamagordo, New Mexico, is not on my itinerary?


Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Yellow and red go better in my opinion. Same for me with the plugs and usb ports. I feel the best I have ever felt.

Lu' said...

Not always are my plugs incorrect and it is funny how good I feel when one of them does plug in correctly on the first try. The older I get the older I feel.

Mc said...

1) some people like silver
2) try switching hands next time
3) look at it first, you'll get it 50% of the time
4) you let him out too much
5) only you'd notice
6) he's bored
7) but it's boring
8) your an older boring
9) the explanation would be boring
10) sounds boring

Bruno said...

1) That's why they call it glitter
2) your fatter on your right side
3) quit closing your eyes
4) that's what they do
5) quit looking at cows butts
6) he told me he ment to
7) no
8) cause your retired
9) and teachers and EMT's and cops
10) cause Paul McCartney visited Alamagordia first and your miffed.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I asked myself those exact same questions this morning...