
I have a beautiful home.

I live with a wonderful woman.

I have a magnificent, albeit retarded, dog.

I have a new ipad.

But I ain't got no tiny giraff.



Reggie Hunnicutt said...

A few weeks ago when I was rafting the Salt river.....just beyond the wild hot dogs.... and to the left of the whiskey springs, I saw a tower of tiny giraffe grazing.

Lu' said...

Quite possibly when you add the "e" to the end of the word the critter will appear.

Unknown said...

I THOUGHT something looked wrong...Ha!!!

dice said...

or a moose you can call Ringo.

Ken said...
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Ken said...

How are your Bob's doing?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

One item off my Christmas are always so tough to buy for...