
~ Leonardo Da Bondo ~

 For my birthday I bought myself a nifty magnet on a stick for picking up nails and such.

 But I wanted one with wheels.

 So I made some and attatched them to my magnet by drilling and tapping a hole on each end.

Just what do you think of me now?


Ken said...

I like how they drew the fake nuts and nails on the bottom so the customer would know what they were looking for.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I thought you was going to make a flying machine or paint naked pictures. Ken, you shouldn't say nuts on a family blog.

Lu' said...

I think you are wonderful AND wonderfully talented.

Gal'Lis said...

You look diff'nt t' WAIT! done tella's ME that R diff'rent...(nefferMine...carry on)
Oh, and I like your new thingy

Gal'Lis na said...

oh, and wReggie...don't say 'nekkid' on the innardnets; it makes me blush, and that's not kind

Bruno said...


Wasn't me :) said...

Oh balls! Bruno said nuts and naked on the Internets.