
~ Quizzz Tyme ~

Should I:

a) Skip to m'loo?

b) Bike to China?
c) Alamand left?

My dog is:

a) named Roy, and he eats purple flowers.

b) Crippled, homosexual, retarded, and just plain gimpy.

c)  Better than your dog.

On Mars they:

a) Kiss on Main Street.

b) Boogaloo down Broadway.

c) Gather their rosebuds while they may.

The next president of the United States will be:

a) Schneider.
b) Ken.

c) Doctor Oz.

d) None of the above onnacounta it's gonna be one of two guys who spend way too much fricking money trying to get elected.


Lu' said...

1. D. I think you should skip to Lu'

2. C. because my dog is a cat, but my cat rocks. Bet you thought I was gonna say pukes huh.

3. E. Who ever the mind vampires wants it to be.

dice said...

ha Ha HA

ha-ha-ha-ha HA

thanks...I gotta go to WORK now !

Swaaaaaaaaaain said...

On the subject of the dog, where's the all of the above choice?