
If I were president I would:

1. Change my name to Barak Obondo.
2. Have Dick Cheney slaughtered.
3. Legalize everything because everybody does everything anyway.
4. Just hack Israel out of whrere it is and hook it on to Florida, anyway.
5. Do away with capitol punishment because I don't believe the capitols should be punished just for being capitols.
6. Get rilly big jumper cables to jump-start the economy.
7. Allow moose in every state.
8. Keep Joe Biden as Vice President; he's fun at parties.
9. Appoint Ken to be the Moo Moo Czar.
10. Quit calling people from other countries aliens.
11. Tell the Muslims to lighten up.
12. Paint the Statue of Liberty purple.
13. Make hotdogs the National Phfood.
14. Go over to the President of Iran's house and just bitch-slap the bastard.
15. Wear shorts and flip-flops all the time.

Thank you for your vote in advance.
And don't forget my fifty bucks.


Lu' said...

I like no. 19 best! Oh and I'd vote phfor you.

Gal said...

FiddyDollars? better start werking on da econ-comically rilly phfast and right now, Mister!
You don't RILLY want Moose, anywhere near a state near you!(they're scary, I hear). Also, I realy like #2 AaHand #3. I think I'll paint Ken a Christmas Moo(se)Moo(se).
Hot Dogs Blow! Shorts & Flip-Flongs rule.
Let's see, now; where did I leave my ballot?

Gal said...

Will you paLeeze do something about the smoke in the Wenatchee valley, that I've been sucking-in for a month now?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Outlaw clogging please. It is embarrassing.

Bruno said...

Better be carefull, look at what they did to Salmon Rushde. I agree with wReggie. I vote for Ken for President. And what would you do with cereal killers?

Ken said...

If you were president I'd:

1) change my name to Moomoe

2) dick Cheney right where he needs to be dicked.

3) while getting high, fly to Israel in capital style and jump a moose while reading Joe Biden's autobiography(I have and he's a GOOD guy).

4) appoint an alien to construct a Muslim style purple hot dog statue.

5) go to Iran in flip flops, shorts and vote to give me a $50 advance for further friendship.

That's what I'd do if you were president.

Dice Mardell said...

16. Hire my sister, Di, as my proofreader: where

you're welcome ; )