
Why I love a good Cow:

Square butts.

The everyday look of serenity.

Them eyes, man.

The not caring about flies.

Poop as fuel.

Poop as fertilizer.

Poop that looks like pie.

They walk like Hunphrey Bogart on the tarmac.

They devote their lives to Bar-B-Que.

The metronome tails.

God I love mooing.

Good, square butts.

Oh...I said that.


Ken said...

You 'can' ride them! Ask Jim Card.

CC said...

When one hits the water they all do some sort of "break out"

...Ken sez

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Should I cross the river to my great reward by and by, promise you'll keep the blog going Sonny, just for me?