I feel I must weight in on the pending demise of the Blogfather Gazette.
You see, I'm rather a newbie here having been around here for just a few thousand posts.
Phfrankie is somewhat of a role model to me. He encouraged me early on to get into the lucrative cucumber waxing bidness. Soon I was shipping cucumbers to Guatemala where I found hundred of people to do my bidding for a few pesos a day.
It was Phrankie that encouraged me to automate. Soon I moved operations to the Pacific Northwest and bought two wax spraying robots occupying a fraction of the space and employing only five minimum wage American workers at 30 hours a week.
You know those little freaky looking carrots? That was Phfrankie's idea.
I will miss this blog. It has become a home away from my blog home.
Your pal,
I believe!
I truly believe.
I truly believe beyond a doubt.
I truly believe beyond a doubt that if he'd stop playing with his girls, he could come up with a spectacular ending for the inevitable demise with his boots on and not have this landmark blog address wither away like a dry season delta dust. Water the blog Phfrankie, give it a little trim like you would the girls and let it's buds grow as thick and wonderful as possible before the harvest.
Blah blah and some bla bla too.
yeah, what Micky T said!
uh oh...Phfrankie doesn't like us anymore
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