
~ Feather Weather Clock-Vane ~

When I am interested in knowing what time the wind blows I just consult my Feather Weather Clock-Vane Thing.

When it is six o'clock, I know that there is no wind.
When it is anywhere between seven o'clock and midnight, I know that there is wind from the east, and to what degree of velocity, relatively speaking.

Conversely, when it is anywhere from five o'clock to noon, I know that there is wind from the west, and to what degree of velocity, etc.

When the feather is spinning all over the place I know that it is probably time to have a beer.

I think I'm pretty special.


Ken said...

You are kinda, but you need to learn how to make your videos better for the viewing hood.

You can't be hiding the whole right side of the video box and get any rating other than some what less than special.


Lu' said...

Hee hee hee I like the line about having a beer, funny. You are special Mr Bondo and anyone that know you knows it too. Love you muchly Brother.

Gal 'Lis said...

I guess that I now need a Featherman to know which way the wind blows

Phfrankie Bondo said...

Mic: I'll take my Specialness Award now.

phfritzie said...

how do you spell la buracca???

Phfrankie Bondo said...

Phfrit: baracca

Ken said...

(only somewhat less than)

always 3 O'clock said...

am I the only person who thinks that 7 to midnight and 5 to noon the wind is blowing in the same direction?

what am I, drunk?
...'cause I know I'm confused.

Phfrankie Bondo said...

3 o'clock:

Here's the deal:

When the feather is pointing at the clock face hours of 7 o'clock, 8 o'clok, 9, etc. up to 12 (midnight), the wind is blowing from the east.

The other side of the clock face, five, four, three, etc.,up to noon (which looks exactly like midnight) indicate wind from the west.

I sure hope this helps.

We don't want the confusion.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I can't see it....pout

Ken said...

Thank You!

Isn't that special!

always 3 O'clock said...

that's what I thought (initially), but the way you worded it, my mind's eye went in the same direction both times, that's all...clockwise.

Bad mind's eye, SIT !!!