
~ What Did You Think, Vol.VXXI ~

Who did you think was here this weekend?
a) The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. All of 'em.
b) Alan Fudd.
c) Phfritzie, Di and Ron and Autumn and Swanny.
d) Carl "Three Lips" Roberson, and his dog, Barfy.

On what did you think we feasted, on Saturday night?
a) Weinershcnitzel chili dogs.
b) Corned beef and cabbage, with flaky bisquits.
c) Balls of wadded up Kleenex.
d) Cioppino

Did you think we had a gourmet breakfast pizza created by Di-Di?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Maybe so.
d) Oh, Mommy!

What did you think Schneider's new name was this weekend?
a) A Week Ago.
b) Today.
c) Bobo The Magnificent.
d) Astrid.

Did you think it rained on Sunday evening?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Maybe so.
d) Oh yes, a silent downpour of God's tears decended upon the Big Valley in a way that was reminicent of The Mists of Avignon.

Who did you think was coming to visit this Friday?
a) Ringo Starr's mom.
b) The King of Siam.
c) wReggie
d) The San Francisco Giants, all of 'em, with the Word Series trophy from last year.


Ken said...


cuz I like how it spells

Lu' said...

LOL MIcky-T.
BCDBCD. Give Hubs Bro' a call before the Giants show up will ya. I'm sure he'd love to be there :)

Anonymous said...


phfritzie said...

cbdbdc :]

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Will I get to meet Schneider?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


send my hot dogs to....