
~ Women Of Stone, Vol. V ~

On this date in 1820, one of the world's most celebrated pieces of art was discovered by a farmer on the Greek island of Melos — the marble statue of "Venus de Milo."

France paid 1,000 francs for her — about the price of a herd of goats. Her arms were missing, but her head and beautiful face were present, and her nude torso too, with drapery sliding down the rest. It's a pose that has led art historians to believe the anonymous woman is a depiction of Venus, goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Like all stunning women, men have fought over her. A Bavarian prince purchased the land she had been found on in Greece and then claimed the rights to her. France ignored him. For more than 100 years it was debated as to whether or not she is Hellenistic. It is now generally agreed that she is.

Thousands of artists and writers have ben inspired by her. Thousands more come to visit her at the Louvre every day, jamming into her alcove to catch a glimpse of her beauty.

-from The Writer's Almanac-


Ken said...

Eh! Take away the boobs and she looks like a boy.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Yeah...tried for a closer nipple shot but the picture is the same size. I would give the owner a dozen chickens and a tire casing suitable for recapping. Nothing more.

Lu' said...

I was going to say what Mic said but my version was, she looks like a guy except for the boobs.
Ha ha ha.

susann said...

i know she is perfection...even with her flaws!!!