
Did you know that this year is the 75th birthday of my bridge?

Did you know that it is in fact MY bridge?

If you look closely at the picture above you will notice, near the base of the south tower, a bronze plaque on which is written the following:

"This rilly keen bridge is hereby dedicated to one Phfrancis Albert Bondo who, in his infinite wisdom, had the idear for the bridge in the first place. And he named it. And he picked the color. And he designed it. And then he ate a pizza."
So....why not come on down to Bondovia this summer and go with me to my bridge and celebrate its birthday with me?

Why dontcha?

In the mean time, you can read about the celebration



Lu' said...

That explains your early retirement; the toll money.

Ken said...

You should paint it more often.

Bruno said...

I've been over it more often, therefore, it is my bridge. And I miss it.

Curious Chris said...

Do you a bridge for sale by chance?