The Green Human-Faced Lion is most rare. His natural habitat is the Sacramento Valley, but he has been know to roam as far north as Canada and as far south as Mexico. His diet is not unlike that of the more common Regular Lion, however the Green Human-Faced Lion is quite fond of unusual foods such as linguine & clams, dim sum and the occasional sausage. He will not eat brussels sprouts or dress his food with thick slatherings of mayonaise or tatar sauce. The mating habits of the Green Human-Faced Lion are undocumented, but it is assumed that he is hetrosexual. They are all named Bob.
What about the toe nails, I mean really, what ... about ... the toenails of the Green Human Faced Lion?
The Easter green faced lion on the other hand consumes both mayo and tarter sauce and has been known to go on a wostershire sauce binge.
That came out of the clear green sky, hit me upside the hayd, and had me rolling on the floor with barrels of laughter. Sank-oo, Blogfather.
Excellent blogging, Sir!
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