
shorin b'gorin

Today Dice is making the GREENEST breakfast pizza ever !

Green chilis
Green onions
Green bell pepper
Mushrooms (they don't count)
Should be good, by golly !


Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I was in San Francisco when the Spinach market collapsed. Remember that? I think they found do-do in all the Spinach.

Ken said...

I'd eat a green mushroom.

'Lis said...

Green Breakfast Beer!! Woo Hoo!!

The Breakfast Pizza Queen said...

Oh Mommy!!! if I do say so myself.

Well, tbk, I happen to be enjoying my dessert breakfast O'Doul's which is mighty GREEN - the label anyway, which will suffice.
...'cause I'm driving L8r.

'Lis said...

Smart Trixie...have a shamrock!
Oh...hi Phfrankie!

phfritzie said...

it was a great weekend...di's quiche was superb...but i must say it was in the running with all the beautiful meals phfrankie prepared...including his fish tacos this afternoon:]

Anonymous said... was quiche; well, glad you were "in the running"

Lu' said...

You are the BPQ dice and I have had the pleasure of having one prepared at my house, but it wasn't green :)