
~ What Will I Do ~

...with my approximately eight inch diameter,
six foot long...

...incense cedar...



Reggie Hunnicutt said...

This will make a dandy adornment.

Ken said...

Thin strips, then bent into a standing arch for Autumn's Day.

Lu' said...

You could run electricity to it and hang a multi colored lighted disco ball from it to give you some mood lighting for when you are in the hut tub?

Lu' said...

Oh wait you already chopped it donw. In that case, what Mic said :)

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Good guesses all but I say it is the corner log of a new chicken coop.

Dice Mardell said...

"Oh my goodness!" (you'll have to excuse me, I've been watching a lot of Shirley Temple lately. LOL)

A lot can happen in a month out at el rancho Bondo.

Yeah, I go with Mic. How incredibly romantic. Know any good arch weavers?

Then they can look at it every day after, and when they move and you're done looking at it, you can just put it on the burn pile.
...or sell it on Craig's List.

phfritzie said...

a table top....shelving...depends on how much you could get out of it:]

Curious Chris said...

You could make expensive arrows outta it. They wood smell good too when you light them to shoot at Christmas trees!

Neux said...

holy cow, everything is changing at the shack! I was wondering if that tree was gonna come down...

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Making your home purty for the sum-sum-summertime


Jay said...

I like Mic's idea.

Not really, but can't come up with anything better. ;-)