
~ Today's The Day! ~

Ladies and Gentlemen of Blogvalia:

I am pleased to announce the winner of this year's

Oscar Meyer Lifetime Achievement Award:

...and the winner of the coveted

Eternal Free Hotdog...

Vinny "Bond" Marini!!

Free Hotdog for Vinny!!


Free Hotdog for Vinny!!


Free Hotdog for Vinny!!

Need not be present to win.
Offer void in Unaalaanda, New Jersey and parts of Canada.
Saturate before using.


Ken said...

Does he even LIKE relish?

Mama D said...

Naw Mic...Bernaise sauce

fritzi said...

ok..now i want a free hot dog! what do i have to do?

...---... said...

fritzi, just keep whining for one.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Fritzi...all I kept doing was asking and yes, I do like relish....and I am so stoked...you like me...you really really like me!

Lu' said...

Way to go Vinny. He likes you he really likes you :)