Once upon a time I lived up a remote canyon in North Central Washington.
My folks-in-law, who lived nearby, would do something on Friday and Saturday evenings that I never saw done before: they would sit on their back porch and listen to their police scanner.
Oh, the things to be heard! County Sheriff, EMT, Forest Service, etc.
I was facinated.
Then one day at a yard sale I bought a scanner for five dollars and took it home and plugged it in and then I, too, was able to enter this world of Emergency Services.
Long story short: I have been without a scanner since I moved down here four years ago, and have been missing it.
Last night I saw someone listening to the local police ON THEIR CELL PHONE! They could listen to the activity ANYWHERE...Medford, Oregon...New York City...ANYWHERE.
Then it dawned on me.
If you can do it on a cell, then you can do it on your computer.
So now I (and you, if interested) can go HERE and be plugged in.
The End.
Not in my neck of the woods...
Hey cool! I used to be signed up to a twitter that was sort of like that (scannerboy09 or something...) but this is much more official!
phascinating. will have to explore @ a l8r date. ☺
Way cool. I'll have to check it out. Mom and Pops have a scanner and probably have had since the dawn of scanners HA!
Not so funny, we were at their house when we heard their daughters address on the scanner and it turned out to be very bad news. I get shivers just typing about it.
Very cool...there is one for Memphis, of course...might have to check it out further
I have a scanner. It was more fun to listen to San Antonio than it is here. Mostly here they just ask permission to break for lunch.
Fhascinating indeed. I woke up at 2 AM was bored to tears, read the entire internets with your post the last page. Tuned in to Mecklenburg county and heard on gunshot fatality live, gun fire on I-77 and a drug overdose nearby. Locked my doors tight and slept like a baby. Even configured it for my iFone.
A Phollowup- "Man shot by woman uptown at the Breakfast Club
from CharlotteObserver.com Most Recent Headlines
A man was shot in the head on the dance floor of an uptown Charlotte club overnight, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg police are looking for a woman in connection with the shooting.
Police say it happened shortly before 2 a.m. at the Breakfast Club, on North Caldwell Street.
Witnesses told police a man was confronted by a woman in the club, and the woman then pulled out a gun and fired two shots. It is unclear how the woman was able to get the gun into the club past security.
Police say the person who fired the shots drove off in a royal blue Chevrolet with custom rims. Detectives spent most of the night at the club, interviewing witnesses and looking for evidence.
The victim was taken by Medic to Carolinas Medical Center with life-threatening injuries."
Thank you again.
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